Material and Viscosity Fitting

The VEL™ , Viscosity Fitting module is used to fit viscosity versus shear rate data to the available viscosty models and then transfer the information to the Material Database module. The Viscosity Fitting module can fit viscosity data to the following mathmatical models: Newtonian, Power-Law, Carreau, Log Polynomial and Cross. Furthermore, the progam can also perform the Rabinowitch correction on apparent viscosity data. The data can be input by hand or read in as a standard ascii text file. Once the data have been fit to a model, the program can automatically send the material parameters to the Material Database.

The VEL™ , Material Database module supports all of the other VEL™ modules as a common database for the material properties. In addition to the ability to define materials and storing the information, this module also provides a means of comparing the viscous behaviour of up to 5 materials at different temperatures. An excellent new feature, that makes this module even more useful, allows the user to quickly calculate the flow characterisitics of 5 simple, common flow fields: tube, parallel plates, converging tube, converging plates and annulus. With this feature, the user can quickly judge the size of adapters and die gaps while also comparing the effect of changing materials and temperature.

The VEL™,Materia Database and Viscosity Fitting modules feature:
- improved graphical design interface
- improved data entry
- integrated material properties handling
- fast calculations
- improved image/results saving capability